The episode starts with Spartacus, Marcus Crassus, Glaber, Crixus and the other gladiators in a lot of discomfort. The two leaders seem to be in their element when they are speaking with each other while some of the slaves can be seen throwing javelins at some nearby targets. After this short scene the camera focuses on Spartacus sleeping on his couch where at some point he has one last dream about his family before he wakes up and is ready to return back to work again. At first he tries to reach for his wife's chain but then the reality sets in and he looks at his hands submissively. He then gets up, grabs Crassus' cloak, puts it over his shoulders and walks to the door.Spartacus enters the field where Glaber is waiting for him.Glaber: "Are you ready to work?"Spartacus nods in response. The two walk across the field until they are joined by Crixus, Oenomaus and Claudius Glaber's son who has now joined Spartacus as a trainer. Crixus: "Even the gladiators are starting to get an idea of what is going on! We should be starting soon!"Spartacus nods again. The other gladiators are already waiting for them at the gates of the prison camp.Spartacus looks at Crixus, both of them feeling a bit awkward. Spartacus drags his sword out from underneath his cloak and tries to think about something comforting to say to him but then he shakes his head slightly to himself before simply nodding once more. Glaber leaves Crixus behind along with Oenomaus and Claudius who are now both encouraging their respective gladiators as they walk through the gates of the arena grounds. Spartacus joins with the others as they begin walking towards the stadium. Glaber: "You are Spartacus, right?"Spartacus nods once more with a blank expression once again. Glaber: "Yes, I have heard about you. You are quite a legend here in Capua."Spartacus keeps nodding while looking at Glaber disinterestedly. Glaber continues talking to him until they finaly get to the arena entrance where Crixus is waiting for them there with other gladiators that will follow their orders which will be explained later on in this episode. Glaber: "Don't worry! You will like it here! We take very good care of our gladiators!" Glaber gestures to his son who then hands out some training swords to the group. Glaber: "I want you to use them for now!" The gladiators enter the arena where many random people are spectating. The doors behind them close and only one door opens in front of them where they are instructed to begin training with each other. The atmosphere is tense as everybody is looking at each other with serious expressions on their faces.
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